Die ersten Tage in Prag

Welcome to our first blog post about our stay in the Czech Republic. Share with us our fascinating impressions and unforgettable experiences in this incredible city of Prague.

There are three of us travelling in Prague this year.

Hello everyone, I’m Jan Widmer (far left) and a 3rd year design engineer. I have been working in gauge construction in Switzerland since the summer of 2023. I hope to deepen my knowledge and learn new skills during the three months in Prague. In my free time, I am involved in athletics and hope that we can also do some sporting activities here. I’m looking forward to an eventful and exciting few months.

Hello everyone, my name is Louis Pedrazzini (centre) and I am an IT apprentice in my 3rd year. During my apprenticeship, I was already able to gain experience in various IT departments at Bühler in Uzwil. So I’m really looking forward to having the opportunity to work in the new COPC2 department here in Prague for three months. In my spare time I like to play football and go to the gym regularly.

Hello everyone. My name is Fiona Beljin (far right). I’m in my third year of my apprenticeship as an automation technician in the field of programming PLC systems. In my free time, I enjoy doing things with my friends and going to the gym. I really enjoy getting to know lots of new people and cultures. That’s why I see a stay abroad as a great opportunity.

Our adventure began on 29 June at Zurich Airport. There we all said goodbye to our families and made our way to the capital of the Czech Republic. The flight there went without incident and we landed at Prague Airport after just one and a half hours. As the flight route passed pretty much exactly over Uzwil, we could even see the Bühler Uzwil from the window.

On arrival at the airport, we were greeted by our contact person Fadi and taken to our conveniently located flat in the city. Although we were exhausted from the effort of lugging our suitcases up three floors, we were rewarded with spacious and beautiful accommodation. After settling in, we embarked on an excursion with a dual purpose: getting essentials and familiarising ourselves with the city at the same time.

While exploring the city and its shopping opportunities, we quickly realised a big difference to Switzerland: the currency. In the Czech Republic, people pay in Czech crowns. The problem with this is the exchange rate with the Swiss franc. 25 crowns are roughly equivalent to one Swiss franc. So you often have to convert in order to estimate prices.

For the three months, we all live together in a very spacious flat in the heart of the city. It’s exactly what everyone wants when you live in the city. The only downside is the noise, which never stops here, but after a few nights you more or less get used to it. The picture shows the view of Národní, Prague’s national avenue, from our flat.

As the city of Prague has an incredible number of beautiful corners, we took many pictures of the streets, facades and parks of Prague on a two-hour photo walk.

On the first weekend, we took a look at typical Prague landmarks such as Charles Bridge, Prague Castle and the National Museum. We also realised how big the old town with the castle is. The castle complex is situated on a hill on the other side of the Vltava. From there you can enjoy the view over the whole of Prague to the full. You can even see the office buildings on the horizon, which also house Bühler Prague.

There was also a lot to see in the National Museum. A large part of the exhibition revolved around the history of the Czech Republic, which was characterised by many wars and conflicts. Another part centred on the animal world, from the first land animals to dinosaurs and today’s wildlife.

We hope you enjoyed our first blog and look forward to your comments. The next blog is scheduled for around 21 August 2024. See you then!

6 Kommentare

    1. Hallo Thomas
      Freut uns das dir unser Blogbeitrag gefallen hat! Wir freuen uns auf neue spannende Einblicke die wir mit dir teilen werden!

      Gruss Louis, Jan und Fiona

  1. Hallo Louis,
    vielen Dank für die Einblicke. Ich wünsche euch allen eine wunderbare Zeit.
    Louis, wir sehen uns morgen. 😉
    Herzliche Grüße

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